
We pride ourselves on building strong and effective working partnerships with all parents and carers. Parents and carers are welcome to come into the nursery at any time to see how their child is progressing.


We provide you with regular feedback via the “Learning Journals” online system which helps parents to engage with their child’s development profile and improves the link between nursery and home. We also aim to keep you informed via emails, newsletters, website updates, parents evenings and Facebook updates. We also have a “WOW” board in each room to share information with parents / carers. Our latest set of policies is also kept in the foyer and can be inspected at any time.

“Playday Nursery is very strong in:
Communication with parents – I receive weekly emails updating me on the theme for the week, which I try to incorporate at home.

Messy play – I can see through the learning journals that my child gets to explore various materials.

Communication from staff to child – My child is confident to go to any member of staff and her speaking skills have come on in leaps and bounds.

Support to parents – I feel happy that the staff will support me when needed and support my parenting methods.”

Share Your News

We also encourage you to share your news with us and keep us informed of developments at home; whether it be a change in routine, likes, dislikes, or a new experience or achievement. Please speak to your child’s key worker, share your comments on the online Learning Journal, or click on the “Share Your News” box below and drop us a line.

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